Category Archives: Hardwork and determination

Goal vs Plan

So many people have these to words and their definitions mixed up. So many people keep changing their goals in life and they think it’s normal because it’s plan B. So il like to clear this up.

A goal is the position u want to see yourself, your company or anything else you want to achieve in the future. A plan is the route you think u can take to get there. I’m defining these two words because I see people who each year are doing something completely different and say “that didn’t work out, I’m doing plan b now”. This is not plan b, this is actually changing your goal. Unless that person goal was solely making money, then it’s a different story, but most people have a goal because they would like to change something and make money in the process. So the goal is more than just making money, but when plan A doesn’t work, they change their goal entirely and start doing something else.
A goal for me never changes, your plan which is the route u want to take changes, but never the goal. There are a lot of people who became successful, and one thing u find was that they had plan A-z to achieve in one goal they believed in.

I also believe your goal must be in line with your purpose in life, the change you want to contribute to the world, this way, your goal never changes but the plan only can keep changing.
I’d also like to say that Plan A is suppose to suck, because this is the 1st plan u coming up with, and there is a lot u don’t know and plan A fails so u can learn and see what u can do better in plan b.

When u have a goal to travel to cape town and your plan is to take a plane there, you get to the airport they tell u planes are delayed for 3days. But they have planes to Durban. Do u take flights to Durban or do you turn around and look for another route to get to cape town? Maybe a bus or taxi? Yes that might of not been the plan, and the bus will take longer and will be uncomfortable, especially in this heat, but this is what it takes to get to cape town. This is you sticking to the goal to reach cape town, just taking a different plan. But other people take flights to Durban and then say it’s plan b, but it’s actually a different goal/destination entirely.

In closing I just want to say this: when you choose a goal, don’t let your plan A determine your decision to keep pushing. Plan A is not suppose to work, it’s suppose to begin the process of you learning to equipped yourself one day to have the best plan to reach your goal. So learn from every plan but keep to one goal that is in line with the your purpose to change the world and no matter what and how many times the plan changes never give up!!image